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The Zulu Fox Photo Blog

Thoughts and collections of current work –

Camera and Film Stock Reviews

No One Cares About Your Photography

No One Cares About Your Photography

I have been making photos for most of my life. While in the current technology environment it is easier with carrying around a high quality camera in my pocket I am talking about taking pictures I care about. Ever since I was a kid in the wild wild west of the 1980's,...

Camera Review: Nikon F3

Camera Review: Nikon F3

I have been shooting film cameras seriously for about 3 years now. It started with a Pentax ME and then ballooned to about any film camera I could get my hands on. It eventually settled out that my collection focused on the Canon AE-1 line of cameras. These great SLRs...

Film Profile: Ilford HP5 400

Film Profile: Ilford HP5 400

It took me a while to get to shooting black and white comfortably. I started my film journey with color negative film. I never really felt like I was good enough to shoot black and white, since only serious film shooters worked with black and white. I felt like I...

Huntsville Coffee and Tea Festival – 2019

Huntsville Coffee and Tea Festival – 2019

First ever Coffee and Tea Festival in Huntsville, AL. It was an amazing gathering of local coffee and tea shops, roasters and other local vendors. Looking forward to this event again next year!